About Encountering Anti-Polonism (EA-P)


W obliczu antypolonizmu


Encountering anti-Polonism (EA-P) records hostile attitudes, prejudices, and views against Poland, Polish people, their Polish culture and especially history on the internet and print media with a view to combatting it. This website allows you to access our work. Click here to learn more.


Encountering anti-Polonism (EA-P) odnotowuje wrogie postawy, uprzedzenia i opinie o Polsce, Polakach, kulturze polskiej, a przede wszystkim o polskiej historii, w Internecie oraz w prasie, w celu ich zwalczania. Ta strona pozwala Ci zapoznać się z naszą pracą w tym zakresie. Kliknij tutaj, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.

Recent EA-P reports / Najnowsze raporty EA-P

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Coverage of German camps occupied Poland in Australia.

Extract from “Punishing German war criminals in Poland”.

Overview by country

This Encountering Anti-Polonism study is on the spread of known issues by country.

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

'Nazi Poland' never existed

„Nazistowska Polska” nigdy nie istniała

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

The Times (UK)

Read about the Times of London coverage of the Nazi German camps.

Version 1 (26th January 2023).

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

Media coverage of the victims

Please read our report on the coverage of the victims in the Nazi German camps.

Version 1 (25th January 2023).

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

Print vs Websites

EA-P are releasing comparisons between issues related to Poland in WWII in print and websites.  

Version 1 (24th January 2023).

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

Eight Key Phrases

By studying eight key phrases in relation to transferring German guilt on to Poles, EA-P will show when these issues became common.

Version 1 (23rd January 2023).

PDF: Please download (proszę pobierz)

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